
EPTI sequence and reconstruction

EPTI sequences are now available upon request at MGH-C2P Website or through the Siemens teamplay exchange. Please check the EPTI dissemination website for more details:

  • Sequence: single-shot and multi-shot EPTI, 2D excitation, with SMS capability, 3T and 7T.
  • Image contrast: multi-echo gradient echo (e.g., multi-echo fMRI), and/or spin-echo and asymmetric spin-echo (e.g., spin-echo fMRI, T2*/T2 mapping, DCE/DSC).

760um-iso in-vivo connectome diffusion dataset

We acquired this in vivo whole brain diffusion MRI dataset at 760 μm isotropic resolution and sampled at 1260 q-space points across 9 two-hour sessions on a single healthy subject. This dataset is created through the use of the state-of-the-art acquisition hardware and software, including the high-gradient-strength Connectom scanner, a custom-built 64-channel phased-array coil, a personalized motion-robust head stabilizer, SNR-efficient dMRI acquisition, and parallel imaging reconstruction with advanced ghost reduction algorithm. It will further advance the understanding of in vivo human brain structures and connectivity, as well as serving as a test bed for the development of new modeling, sub-sampling strategies, denoising and processing algorithms for high resolution in vivo diffusion imaging.

See our paper for details:
Wang, F., Dong, Z., Tian, Q. et al. In vivo human whole-brain Connectom diffusion MRI dataset at 760 µm isotropic resolution. Sci Data 8, 122 (2021).

Open-Access Data:
Wang Fuyixue et al. (2021), Data from: In vivo human whole-brain Connectom diffusion MRI dataset at 760 µm isotropic resolution (PART I), Dryad,
Wang Fuyixue et al. (2021), Data from: In vivo human whole-brain Connectom diffusion MRI dataset at 760 µm isotropic resolution (PART II), Dryad,

Other software

Check out our lab’s GitHub page for more open-source reconstruction packages:

Recorded educational talks

Check out the EPTI YouTube channel page:

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